Creating an effective password is essential in keeping your information protected and out of the hands of cybercriminals. Following a few password management tips will significantly enhance your data security and help you avoid becoming the victim of a cyber attack....
In 1986, specialists in the then-nascent field of information security discovered what is considered to have been the first example of widespread malware. The Brain virus targeted the Microsoft Disk Operating System (DOS), and it featured a rather sophisticated method...
Headphones that Translate This is an amazing piece of technology, specifically for those that travel often. Waverly has created an audio device that translates on the spot. This helps travelers navigate other countries regardless of any language barrier. There are a...
The Nintendo 64 was released in 1996 and immediately changed the world of gaming. The classic three-pronged controller has become a symbol of both the quirks and successes of the modern gaming market. Nintendo’s First 3D Console The N64’s precursor, the...
For years, Nintendo has been a staple in many people’s childhoods. Although the company and its products are widely known around the world, not many know where and how it all started. The history of Nintendo begins much farther back than you’d expect: The Origins In...