Malware wreaked havoc on electronics across the world over the last few years and shows little sign of stopping anytime soon. With the spike, it’s important to understand the dangers and how to protect yourself. What defines malware? Malware is an overarching term for...
Nowadays there’s a podcast for everything be it serialized dramas or self-help programming, so it only makes sense that there is also a plethora of podcast dedicated just to cybersecurity. These series provide a great (and easy) way to stay informed. Listen while...
Before the emergence of Silicon Valley and a male-dominated coding world, women made up almost 35% of the coding workforce. According to recent statistics, that number has decreased to 19% of women in coding. Since the beginning of computer science technology, women...
Cybersecurity was front and center in 2017 with cyber attacks, phishing schemes, ransomware attacks and data breaches. What will the new year bring? With the growth of newer technologies like blockchain technology, internet of things and biometric security, the...
The term “cybersecurity” describes the tools and technologies designed to protect computers, networks, and data from unauthorized access, modification, dissemination or destruction. The skills required to monitor and defend these vital systems are in high demand, but...