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One common way breaches occur is through the use of phishing sites, which an employee may be directed to through an email. The message will contain personal information to ensure the recipient believes it’s authentic, but, usually, that information is found simply on their social media pages. The message directs the recipient to visit an external web page. Once they click on the link, spyware, malware, or other dangerous programs target the user and gain access to the user’s computer, or mobile device.
Key-Logging Software
A phishing scam may also be used to install key-logging software. This won’t harm your device and you may not even realize anything is amiss. However, the software allows the hacker to observe and record any keystrokes made by the user. This can help the hacker get usernames, passwords, and other sensitive data.
Unsecured Wifi
More sophisticated hackers will know how to make use of an unsecured wifi connection. Even if your business has its own secure network, using company mobile devices at the local cafe or library can put your entire network at risk. Once the hacker has access to the machine, the damage has been done. Unless the threat is identified and addressed, the hacker can access sensitive data at will.

What Can Business Owners Do About the Threat?

Government regulations have already been put in place to ensure businesses are taking steps to protect their employees, partners, vendors, and customers from breaches. A comprehensive cybersecurity program can go a long way toward meeting many of these requirements, though a customized service can provide better protection. This should include a strong firewall and a two-factor authentication factor for users.
Subscribing to VPN service can also provide a high degree of protection. First, it masks the location of the user’s device, so it can’t be accessed by outside hackers. Second, all data that is sent is encrypted, so, even over an unsecured connection, that data can’t be interpreted.
Finally, providing security training for all of your employees is also vital to network security. Teaching them about the latest hacking practices, as well as the importance of creating strong passwords will go a long way toward preventing breaches. In defending against cyber attacks, knowledge is often your greatest advantage.